torsdag 11 juni 2020

Om konsten att cykla

“You are at all times independent. This absolute freedom of the cyclist can be known only to the initiated.”

kan man läsa i Maria E. Wards bok " Bicycling for Ladies" från 1896, med undertiteln " The Common Sense of Bicycling,  With Hints as to the Art of Wheeling— Advice to Beginners—Dress—Care of the Bicycle—Mechanics—Training —Exercise, Etc., Etc.  

Boken är rikligt illustrerad, bilder som är värda en stunds "tittning" även om man inte bryr sig om den mycket instruktiva texten, som behandlar allt, från hur man bestiger sin cykel till hur man bör vara klädd, och några ord om hur man reparerar sitt fordon,


  What a horrible moment it is when first mounted on a bicycle, a mere machine, a thing quite beyond your control, and unable even to stand by itself. But it is impossible to tell without trying whether or not you can manage a bicycle. Make the experiment, therefore, and find out. Any competent teacher will guarantee success, and after the first five minutes on the bicycle can tell how long it will take you to learn. The time varies with the individual; the period of instruction may last for five minutes or for six months, without counting extra lessons for fancy wheeling.


Bicycling possesses many advantages, and is within the reach of nearly all. For the athlete and the sportsman, it opens up new worlds; for the family it solves problems; for the tired and hurried worker, it has many possibilities… To the naturalist, the traveller, and the intelligent observer, cycling offers advantages which are limited only by time and opportunity… To the lover of out-door life the bicycle presents a succession of wonderful possibilities.


 The matter of dress for bicycling is quite important from the hygienic standpoint. Clothing should be most carefully selected, with the view to an equal distribution of weight and an even thickness of material; it should have no constricting, no tight bands anywhere, but should permit of absolute freedom of movement, and be warm enough to prevent chilling through too great radiation of heat, yet porous enough to allow of free evaporation.
 The combination of knickerbockers, shirt-waist, and stockings forms the essential part of a cycling costume. A union under-garment may be worn and the knickerbocker suit; over this a coat and a skirt if desired, with a sweater for an extra wrap. Bicycling is warm work, and the clothing should always be rather light in weight. For touring it must all be carried on the wheel, and yet be heavy enough for comfort when not exercising, and not too heavy for work, and should, moreover, allow of adjustment for changes in temperature or for any required change in distribution. To this end, all the clothing should be of one color or of colors that look well together. The knickerbockers, waist, and skirt should match; then if the coat is removed, the costume looks complete. An outfit might consist of two suits complete, of different weights; sweaters of different weights; wool stockings, heavy and light, that will roll below the knee without being either bulky or tight.


 Även i Skandinavien hade kvinnorna insett att cykling var något även för damer  i "Fadershuset, Nordisk kvinnolitteraturhistoria 2, läser jag:
Erna Juel-Hansens engagemang i kvinnokroppens frigörelse ledde i slutet av 1890- talet till en framstöt för  ”Dame-Cykling”. Under denna rubrik skrev hon 1896 en  rad artiklar i tidningen Idræt,  där hon lär upp damerna i  ”konsten att cykla”:  ”Det är ett faktum att damerna  med ganska stor lätthet tillägnar sig färdighet i att balansera på en cykel och någorlunda styra den, och många  menar därmed sig färdig ...  Men det är ett stort misstag.  En ryttarinna, som inte från  början lär sig ’konsten’ kommer snart att dyrköpt få erfara  att överansträngning, allvarliga olyckor, både för hennes  egen person och maskinen,  följer av att ta saken för lätt.”


The screw-driver should be held and turned with one hand, and steadied and guided with the other. Metal is not so hard but that the leverage of the screw-driver is enough to bend the notches on the end of a screw, and thus render it useless. The question may be raised, Why are not screws made harder? If metal is tempered too hard, it becomes brittle, and flies. A well-tempered screw should be neither too hard nor too soft, but adapted for its particular use or position. A screw should always be made clean before it is screwed home, any particle of dust or rust being liable to injure the thread and spoil the screw. If the screw is oily or greasy, it will work loose. All screws, bolts, etc., therefore, should be carefully wiped, and never placed where there is any chance for even a little dust to settle upon them. A nut with a small grain of sand inside will burst or break the thread of the bolt.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hur i allsin dar kan man komma på idén att "sitta av" från en damcykel som från en häst?! Intressanta bilder (gillar särskilt "hur man bär en cykel"). Och så får man ju lära sig hur "screwing up" går till. Väldigt kul!

    1. Karin,
      Har man inte i alla tider använt nya saker på samma vis som dess föregångare, ända tills man kom på att det inte var nödvändigt.

      Ja, om inte cykeln bär mig, så måste jag bära cykeln.
