måndag 14 februari 2022


      St Valentines Day, waking up

       Mary Ellen Edwards 


O Dorothy, sweet Dorothy,

    You make my heart rejoice;

Your presence is like Arcady,

    There's music in your voice;

Heaven's purity is on your brow,

    Its light is in your eyne;

I love you, and I ask you now

    To be my Valentine.

Your face is like the lily in

    The morning's ruddy light;

Your dimpled cheeks and tiny chin

    Are blessings to my sight;

Your lips are fairer than the rose

    And redder far than wine;

Your teeth are whiter than the snows:

    You'll be my Valentine!

You are not quite so old as I,

    You've seen but summers three;

And that's no doubt the reason why

    You are not coy with me.

I'll come to you to-morrow,

    And on chocolates we'll dine;

And you'll have no thought of sorrow

    When you are my Valentine.

Har du hunnit läsa alla dina valentinkort än?

När du gjort det kanske du är upplagd för en ”valentinberättelse.

”Elmiry Ann's Valentine” är en av berättelserna i Myrtle Reeds novellsamling ”The White Shield” från 1902.

I höstas presenterade jag en av Myrtle Reeds böcker lagom till Halloween, och skrev då kortfattat ( mycket kortfattat) om henne.

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