onsdag 24 juli 2019

Dagens fruntimmer

Dream Land

Where sunless rivers weep 
Their waves into the deep, 
She sleeps a charmed sleep: 
Awake her not. 
Led by a single star, 
She came from very far 
To seek where shadows are 
Her pleasant lot. 

She left the rosy morn, 
She left the fields of corn, 
For twilight cold and lorn 
And water springs. 
Through sleep, as through a veil, 
She sees the sky look pale, 
And hears the nightingale 
That sadly sings. 

Rest, rest, a perfect rest 
Shed over brow and breast; 
Her face is toward the west, 
The purple land. 
She cannot see the grain 
Ripening on hill and plain; 
She cannot feel the rain 
Upon her hand. 

Rest, rest, for evermore 
Upon a mossy shore; 
Rest, rest at the heart's core 
Till time shall cease: 
Sleep that no pain shall wake; 
Night that no morn shall break 
Till joy shall overtake 
Her perfect peace. 
                   Christina Rossetti

Ecce Ancilla Domini! 
Här satt Christina modell för sin bror 
Dante Gabriel Rossetti

En av mina favoritpoeter, Christina Rossetti, får bli veckans sista fruntimmer. Hon var ett av fyra talangfulla syskon i familjen Rossetti.
Mycket av det hon skrev handlade om döden och livets jämmerdal  men så hon skrev!
Men hon skrev även verser för barn.

What is pink? a rose is pink 
By a fountain's brink. 
What is red? a poppy's red 
In its barley bed. 
What is blue? the sky is blue 
Where the clouds float thro'. 
What is white? a swan is white 
Sailing in the light. 
What is yellow? pears are yellow, 
Rich and ripe and mellow. 
What is green? the grass is green, 
With small flowers between. 
What is violet? clouds are violet 
In the summer twilight. 
What is orange? Why, an orange, 
Just an orange!

Christina Georgina Rossetti
 5 december 1830-29 december 1894 
målning av Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1877)

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