lördag 25 september 2021

Lördag med Gutenberg



”Our illustration of a braided gown of fawn-coloured cloth shows the last new style for autumn wear. The braiding is done in a darker shade of fawn; or, in some cases, in black, or in white; but the dark shade of the same hue is more fashionable. The hat is a lace straw, trimmed with ostrich feathers and shaded roses of a dark hue, and strings of black gauze.”

Gutenberg är i sanning mångsidig — i dag lär han mig hur jag ska klä mig i höst. Eller för att vara korrekt så kan jag läsa det i ”The Girl's Own Paper”, Vol. XX, No. 1026, August 26, 1899


En pedagogisk artikel som börjar med att förespråka ett sunt leverne:

 ”Of course, now we know that the best way to avoid fat and keep the slender figure of youth is to walk regularly and constantly, and that any dietary or starving process is unsafe, it is easy to decide the matter for ourselves.”

Så kommer några rader om engelskornas förkärlek till hattar med flor, vilket amerikanskorna har slutat med.

Gutenberg har många årgångar av tidskrifter av alla de slag.  ”Girls Own Paper” var en brittisk tidskrift som existerade från 1880 till 1956. Naturligtvis var innehållet oförvitligt — men det måste ha varit lite av en balansgång, för man uppmanar flickorna att skaffa sig en utbildning, även högre utbildning, vilket ofta framgår av svaren i frågespalten:

”Training in Housewifery.—“As a regular and appreciative reader of The Girl’s Own Paper, I have become much interested in the question of higher grade housekeeping. I have obtained the consent of my parents to enter a home to be trained. Would you kindly furnish me with the addresses of some establishments where training is given?—Kate.”

“Kate’s” determination to equip herself thoroughly for the duties of housekeeping, is a most wise one. The girl who is trained in all departments of domestic work can turn her knowledge to account in every situation in life in which she may be placed, and is never likely to find the problem of earning her bread a difficult one.”

Oftast är bara svaren publicerade, som här där en ung flicka kanske velat få någon berättelse publicerad:

”Louisa Gregory.—You need to study writing and spelling before you attempt to compose stories. We advise you daily to copy some extract for the sake of learning to spell, and also to practise writing in a copy-book, to teach you to form your letters correctly.”

Och så finns i varje nummer praktiska råd, av olika slag:

”The register of a bedroom fireplace should never be closed, but left open for free ventilation from above.”

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