lördag 12 juni 2021

Lördag med Gutenberg


The Artists Wife in the Garden at Skagen Peder Severin Krøyer
Så här kommer jag att tillbringa de närmaste veckorna

Du store tid så många intressanta böcker Gutenberg har lagt ut den senaste veckan, jag som fortfarande läser Elizabeth Blackwell, har inte alls tid att ägna mig åt nytillkomna böcker. Men en av böckerna gör mig nyfiken, ”New Brooms” av Robert J. Shores (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/65583/65583-h/65583-h.htm), en bok med nöjsamma essäer, som passar utmärkt att sticka emellan med. Om författaren finns näst ingenting att läsa varken på nätet, eller i husets uppslagsverk. Men jag hittar en samling med anmälningar av ”New Brooms” - alla lika positiva - lika positiva som jag.

New Brooms, by Robert J. Shores, is a book for the essay lover. A whimsical turn of mind distinguishes this collection of papers on many subjects. They are written in the form of letters, letters supposed to be addressed to the editor of the Idler, and they come from sources as different as an old maid living in the country, a cook who philosophizes upon his art, and a gentleman defending beggars. Few of the problems, worries, amusements and ideas that stir our modern world but get their comment, a comment light but wise, mingling the serious with the playful in a delight¬ ful manner. Every one who enjoys sane and incisive opinions on life in its countless phases, expressed with originality and dis¬ tinction, will be sure to give this book a hearty welcome

             The Bookseller, New York

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