söndag 2 december 2018

En fruktkaka till jul

Pierangela Corvi

Redan under antiken blandade de gamla romarna till en slags fruktkaka, med nötter, russin och korngryn. Men det dröjde till medeltiden innan man började baka något som liknar dagens fruktkakor. Många länder har sin egen variant, och eget namn, — men vad det kom sig att det in på 1700-talet kom att bli ett bakverk för helger och högtider, är det ingen som vet.

Det här receptet som jag hittade i en gammal tidskrift, har ingen förklarande text, så varifrån det kommer och hur gammalt det är, har jag ingen aning om.

To Make a Christmas Cake That Will Keep Till Easter

Take 4 pounds of butter, break it in a pan and work it well with your hands till it cooms to  crame, then take a quart of ale yest, straine it into the butter but still keep working it; then take the yolks of tenn eggs and beat them and put to them half a pint of rose water or orange flower water and all most a quart of cream, and straine them in the butter and yest but cease not working on it till you put it in the hoope, then take half a peck of the finest flower, and a pound of loafe sugar beaten fine, and a quart of an ounce of mace beaten and mingled with the flower, when you have work all together very well so that you have made it soft againe with your working, then put half your flower and work that well together, then take 6 pounds of currants pick'd and wash'd and dryed and mingled with the rest of the flower by degrees put them to the butter and work them very well in it, so that they be very well mingled in it. Your kake must be as stiff as it will stick about the pan and your hands. Set in the oven, and let it stand two hours or more.

Medan du bakar så lyssna till Truman Capote när han läser sin  novell "A Christmas Memory"

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