lördag 14 september 2024

Lättsam lördagsläsning


The Invitation

Dear Mab:

We’ve had you on our mind

(That isn’t very cordial, is it?)

To ask if you and Hank could find

(Lord knows they will. They’re just the kind.)

A chance to run up for a visit.

We’re looking forward to your stay

(Like measles or the dysentery)

Please try to come this Saturday.

(Thank God that’s done!)

         Your loving,


Newman Levys tunna bok ”Saturday to Monday” ger dig kanske något att tänka på innan du bjuder in gäster att stanna över helgen.

The Highbrow

A week-end spent with Mr. G.

Is as a college course to me.

The conversation is so deep

That frequently I fall asleep.

From early morn till night time late

They settle all affairs of state.

They solve in comment crisp and terse

The riddle of the universe.

Convention they denounce as fake

And now and then give Sex a break.

Their literary talk, I find, 

Is hardly suited to my mind.

They never have a pleasant word

Except for names I never heard.

 I used to think myself quite bright,

I still believe that I was right.

The Departure

We’re really

heartbroken you’re


We hope that you’ll

soon come again

For a very long stay

now that you’ve found

the way,

(For God’s sake, please

don’t miss that train.)


’Twas perfectly lovely to

have you.

You’ve given us all quite

a thrill.

Though we hate you to

go you’ll come back

soon we know.

(Yes, over my body you will.)

Boken, som beskriver alla veckoslutets aktiviteter, finns hos FadedPage

3 kommentarer:

  1. Låter som intressant, nyttig och roande läsning! Ska se om jag lyckas klicka fram själva boken.

    1. Ja, nu funkade det! Riktigt så jobbigt har jag det inte med mina gäster. Men jag är nog smula disträ som värdinna och finner därför tröst och styrka i den här strofen:

      Oh host take pity on the guest
      Who bears his fate without complaining.
      Know well, he entertaineth best
      Who isn’t always entertaining.

  2. Karin,
    Du borde inte ha några problem med att hitta boken —
    skrev jag, när jag kommod att jag skulle prova om länken funkade. Det gjorde den inte!
    Här kommer den i klartext — hoppas den är bättre.

